DFTO for Chemical Storage Tank Venting Operation

Project No 2024

The Challenge

Liquid Terminal operators must continuously meet strict emissions guidelines while managing various flows of product through their facility. In some cases, this task is made even more complex when the operator must deal with a broad range of chemicals and associated vapor streams. An expansion at a Texas specialty chemical distribution operation required a new re-engineered system.

The Solution

Epcon’s experts where on the front end of the project playing a key role in designing and configuring the vent control strategy and implementation plan.  From an equipment perspective, Epcon provided one of their proven skid mounted L-Shaped Direct Fired Thermal Oxidizers completed from inlet isolation dampers through outlet stack as well as the UL Certified Control panels with HMI Screens all developed in house at Epcon’s 250,000 sqft vertically integrated manufacturing operations.  After fabrication the customer visited the plant to be on hand for the comprehensive FAT (Factory Acceptance Testing) prior to shipment.  Once at site, Epcon’s technicians were on hand to supervise and assist with the commissioning, start-up and testing of the completed system.

The Results

Epcon provided a comprehensive, capable and cost effective solution which Incorporated an accumulator ahead of the control device to greatly reduce the peak loading, allowing the team to specify a much smaller and more cost effective thermal oxidizer. In addition to the reduced operating costs the operator has far more flexibility with the sequencing of their loading/unloading operations.


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