High Velocity Wicket Ovens for 55 Gallon Drum Manufacturer

Project No 800

The Challenge

A 55 Gallon Drum manufacture needed new wicket ovens and a more efficient and effective solution for curing the lids to the Drums. These Ovens need to be designed for high-production efficiency, processing between 720-750 Drums per Hour.

The Solution

Epcon utilized its proprietary design for dual laying and triple laying Wicket Oven. Long wickets are attached to the oven conveyors acting as placeholders or carriers as sheet steel parts are stacked in between wickets. In this application, 55 gallon drum lids fall between the wickets and are conveyed through the oven. Constructed of aluminized steel inside and Carbon steel outside, these robust Wicket Ovens operate at 500 °F and feature high speed conveyors to maximize production of the Drum Tops and Bottoms. 

The Results

The new oven resolved the issue of the lids moving during the curing process while also increased throughput capacity by 20%

Epcon has not only manufactured over 100 Wicket Ovens for various applications, but also been providing for this company for over 40 years!


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